Chongqing and WuLong

China 2015
P001 It's raining cats and dogs on tour Day 6, let's continue our city tour of Chongqing after morning disembarkation at Chongqing Chaotianmen Dock...
P002 Chongqing, the largest of China's four direct-controlled municipalities 直轄市 (the other being Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin) with a total area of around 31780...
P004 Chongqing Great Hall of the People or Chongqing People's Auditorium 重慶市人民大禮堂, built between 1951-1954 originally with the main hall, the north wing and the...
P005 ... the circular domed auditorium, a large hall for political meetings and cultural events, big red-tiered dome with a height of some 213 feet shaped and...
P005a-003 Chongqing Three Gorges Museum 重慶中國三峽博物館 located across from the People's Auditorium, opened in central Chongqing in 2005 replacing the former Chongqing Museum...
P008 Chongqing 重慶市, the leading port, transportation hub and commercial and industrial center of the upper Yangtze River basin; its main urban area known as Central...
P009 ... also known as the 'City of Mountains', a wavy terrain located on the edge of the Yungui Plateau surrounded by small green-capped mountains, as well as the...
P010-006 Chongqing Three Gorges Museum - exhibition halls and a long 'Ecological Corridor' presenting a collection of cultural relics, with themed exhibitions featuring...
P011 ... as early as the mid-Ming dynasty, workshops for spinning, weaving, silk reeling, and brewing were established in Chongqing and the old city was opened to...
P013 … as coal, iron and other resources were in such close proximity, considerable industrial development was undertaken by the communist government after 1949;...
P014 ... the central business district at the Liberation Monument in the old city, remaining as the most prosperous international trading and financial center of...
P014a-012 ... 'strolling in the city' with model-display of the late Qing dynasty and 20th century urban life... it’s said that Chongqing hotpot originated at Chaotianmen...
P015 真正的重慶毛肚火鍋出現於民國十五年(1926)前後。有兩個姓馬的回民兄弟,突發奇想,廉價收購不易售出的牛毛肚和血旺,在下宰房街開了一家小餐館。他們用牛油、辣椒、花椒等佐料熬成一鍋湯,將毛肚漂白洗淨,去梗,作為主要菜品,顧客來了,點一份毛肚,給一碟芝麻醬和蒜泥的調和,且燙且吃。據說,這就是重慶毛肚火鍋的起源和得名。抗戰時...
P018-022 ... sedan chairs used to carry the bride in late Qing dynasty...
P019 轎子, 作為一種交通工具有著悠久的歷史。對於老百姓來說, 最熟悉的轎子, 莫過於辦喜事時的迎親花轎了。 花轎, 也叫喜轎, 又叫彩轎, 轎身造型一般為四方四角出檐寶塔頂,一尺六寸見方, 高六尺多, 寸和分也多與吉祥的 六 字相合。轎壁四周鑲有精製的花板, 其上一般刻有麒麟送子、龍鳳呈祥、八仙過海等具有美好寓意的圖案。
P020 據記載,最早的花轎迎親僅限於皇宮貴族, 而民間娶婦嫁女 坐花轎 則始於宋代。政府為彰顯對人才的重視,對考中的舉人、進士都要以轎迎接。因為結婚是人生的大喜事,人們便把結婚叫作小登科,認為和考取功名一樣光彩。因此,就是普通老百姓,也要讓新媳婦做上花轎“隆重”一下。
P024 Beichuan Railway 北川鐵路蒸汽機車, established in 1928, the first dedicated coal transportation line in Sichuan; 10-miles railway completed in March 1934 equipped with...
P026 抗戰爆發後,北川鐵路更名為 “天府煤礦專用鐵路”,1943年10月,為了打破日寇的經濟封鎖,天府煤礦技術人員在抗日戰爭的艱苦歲月裡,全部採用國產零部件,試製成功蒸汽小火車,被譽為 “開創了新中國機器製造之先猷”。 抗戰八年,蒸汽小火車為支持重慶鋼鐵,軍工生產作出了重要貢獻。
P027-029 景雲神道碑出土於三峽庫區雲陽縣舊縣坪遺址, 是東漢朐忍令雍陟於熹平二年 (公元173年) 為紀念70年前的朐忍令景雲而立。 碑文記述了景雲的祖先由楚國遷入漢中 廣漢等地, 三峽腹地的故事以及景雲為官 '政化如神', 深得人民愛戴等情形, 反映了三峽地區的政治 地理 移民等史實。 碑為淺灰色細砂岩, 造型古樸....
P028a-030 ... another themed exhibition of the Arts and Sculptures of the Han Dynasty...